1. Badge Scanning: Ability allows you to save time when capturing leads by simply scanning badges, business cards, or QR codes to save lead information

2. Informed Follow-Ups: the application offers one-touch lead research on Linked-In, Google, Company website, and Google Maps

3. Easy Contact: make calls, setup meetings, setup tasks, send text messages and more at the push of a button to easily to stay connected with your leads

4. Statistics: Measure returns on investments across sales, marketing, and business development activities with ease

5. Organize Your Event: With Mleads build your event from scratch using application tools

6. Import attendees: Add event attendees easily through the application

7. Pre Event Surveys: Conduct pre-event surveys to gain insight on reasons why attendees wish to attend

8. Post Event Surveys: Conduct post-event surveys to gain insight on the success of the event

9. Print Badges with QR code Measure: Create and print badges easily

10. Create Event Agendas: Easily make and share event agendas using the Mleads app