Too many marketers think of event ROI measurement as a pass or fail exercise, i.e., was the event good or not, or did it achieve more than estimated revenue y. Event measurement for return on investment (ROI) is the most prominent territory.

 If an event professional, sales and marketing professional work, he or she may be expected to measure the event based on the program’s contribution to the overall business plan.

 While designing this platform MLeads we have tried to integrate features  for measuring Quantifiable return on investment also because it has quintessential financial implication on business. Complete event management and then retrieval of leads from events or through sale steam in a smart way and then lead management shortens sales life cycle but it sounds like half glass of water which needs to be poured still, until you  have clear idea of financial quantifiable outcome of your efforts.

 As being an event organizer you always want to know whether event was worth for you and your event sponsors?? MLeads provide report generation mechanism of no of clicks for sponsors’ logos and you can share this report with your sponsors and you can also generate statistics of no of leads captured by your attendees. You are always interested in measuring revenue by your marketing campaign, sales and business development team because no one wants to spend money on something that isn’t generating money. Here we have tried to put some important attributes like you can measure ROI with different sales reports like pipeline report which gives information for opportunity sales generation form prospective lead, sales cycle report which generate quantifiable data like total days to convert lead to customers. You can have quick information on lead generated from attendees of event separately and expense occurred in converting lead to customer and so on…