1. Assign and assess Goals and have a specific goal in mind when utilizing social media and stick to this goal. Do you want to increase sales, grow your following, or simply gain exposure? Whatever your goal may be, be sure that your social media posts match your goals.

2. Expand it is easy to stick to the most popular social media websites known for their abundance of users such as Twitter, Facebook, or Youtube. Most likely you have established a presence on these platforms as well as others such as Instagram, Snapchat, Google+, Pinterest, or LinkedIn. Explore websites and social media platforms branded for your industry. The more you search, the easier you’ll find social media pages almost made exactly for your industry!

3. Follow other people and always Follow Up! With a small business, growing a following and keeping a following can be challenging. Be sure to interact with those who interact with you and to always reach out! Don’t only produce content but  spend time for  following the content and re-posting the content from others. Align yourself with others who share a common interest and utilize each other. Use the advantage of owning a small business and personally respond to individuals.

4. Be personal and Be sure that your followers know your business and what your business is about. Get personal with your followers and highlight the most important aspects of your business. Always show customers your personality!

5. Remember Quality, not Quantity. Be sure not to spam your accounts with information your customers may not need. Try to avoid excessive posts and only share what highlights your business, your brand, or what you are selling. Be sure content is relevant and contains quality information that followers will want to hear!