MLeads  gives value add to sponsors

Organizing an event requires a lotof inputs, especially from sponsors. Obviously, they would want certain returns from it too. In order to achieve their goal, they require visibility. MLeads from Mobile Leads LLC ensures that a number of marketing collaterals can be made in a way that information gets shared with the attendees. In addition, the badges with QR codes can also have the logo of the sponsors. Since badges are required for entry to the event, hence attendees will be keeping these with care at least for some time. This helps in increasing visibility as well as in enhancing retention. This is the way you can provide value add to your sponsors.

Nothing can be worse than your losing the data that you are getting from these events. But with MLeads you are placing this data on a cloud server. So no matter how huge a database you have, or there is a software crash, you would still be having the data safe and secure with you. You would need all this data to collate in order to analyse andhave proper statistics at the end of the event organized by you.

With MLeads, you are able to send pre-event surveys as well as post-event surveys to your attendees. Since you already have the data through the badges with QR codes, you already know who attended and who missed out on your event. Sending the surveys through MLeads will ensure that more people will take these seriously. Also, surveys sent through digital media are easier to fill, and faster to receive and collate. This way you are able to send relevant information to your sponsors and that too in a faster and efficient way. Moreover, more surveys means more relevant and accurate data and a better value add for your sponsors.

The information received from scanning of badges with QR codes allows the sponsors to connect directly with the registered attendees. Next, the sponsors know which attendees came for which event, and what their field of interest is and what their requirements will be. This can be a real value add for your sponsors as they would know what to pitch to which contact.

You provide value add to your sponsors by providing them more than just the lead details. You are able to give them an opportunity for networking. After all, a business is not about just converting leads into prospects. There are things such as building and growing your business, looking into other avenues to diversify and so on. Hence even if certain leads do not make good customers, they may still help in networking in order to grow your business. They can be the mentors for your sponsors or provide them valuable insights into various other aspects of business. As MLeads is able to provide valuable other details to sponsors about the leads, this can be a considerable value add. These details would include the name of the company, its location, annual turnover, number of employees, field of operation and so on.

MLeads is a complete CRM platform. Each data is kept in an organized manner. This makes lead retrieval very easy. Sponsors can retrieve leads based on the event attended, or based on the company. They can retrieve leads based on their geographical location or hierarchy in the organization. This makes preparation of statistics and its analysis much simpler, effective as well as accurate. No wonder that MLeads is proving to be such a valuable tool to sales and marketing organizations as well as event managers due to the value add being provided to the sponsors.