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Refferal & Affiliate Programs
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Referral Program
Become a paid subscription user of MLeads.
Refer your friends and colleagues to MLeads from your account – if they become paid subscription users, you earn 10% of their subscription.
You can reimburse your credit towards your subscription or a request for check payment.
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Referring MLeads, a comprehensive platform to manage leads and events can be a powerful income flow for you.
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Affiliate Program
Anyone who is a paid subscription user of MLeads is considered as an affiliate member.
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Sed at lacus vitae augue egestas pulvinar ultricies nec nisi. In aliquet velit sed eros facilisis, in tempus eros imperdiet. Aenean mollis urna aliquet orci placerat porttitor. Aenean tincidunt urna sed faucibus sodales. Donec sit amet eros eros. Duis volutpat arcu at efficitur molestie. Pellentesque gravida dolor risus, a sollicitudin arcu euismod sit amet.
Curabitur dapibus at felis quis interdum. Etiam at elementum ligula. Aliquam efficitur ante eget viverra molestie. Donec rutrum tellus a ex accumsan varius. Etiam aliquam libero et finibus finibus. Cras vel nunc eget metus fringilla consectetur. Aenean sed lacinia turpis. Nullam porttitor lobortis mauris at blandit. Quisque aliquam diam felis, at fermentum metus dignissim in. Mauris sagittis dolor sed venenatis scelerisque.
Recurring Income
When someone you refer to us orders an account, you’ll earn 10% of MLeads monthly subscription not only on the initial sale, but also on any recurring subscription payments they make.
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You refer John to us, and he signs up at $9.99 per month
Each month John uses MLeads, you’ll earn $0.99. After a year, you’ve made $4.7. After 2 years, $XXX…. And so on as long as John continues to use his account.
And that’s just with one referral!
The longer your referrals use their accounts, the more money you make.