The automated e-mail has become very popular, and more importantly, efficient! Automated e-mails ensure that even on your busiest of days, you won’t forget to follow-up, which we all know is a crucial part in making a sale. MLeads offers a great feature that allows you to send follow-up emails to event attendees and new leads! You can even create your own e-mail template according to what you would like to say. Here are some tips for creating your automated e-mail:

  • Think of your audience. Remember that this e-mail will be going to a variety of people, potential leads, existing customers, friends, co-workers, etc. Make your text appropriate to the people you are reaching out to.
  • Be personal. With many e-mail platforms you have the opportunity to customize templates. For example, the automated e-mail will be the same for all who receive it, but the computer can generate a first or last name greeting like “Hello, Susan”. This makes the e-mail far more personal, and increases the odds of the user opening it.
  • Be polite. Thank your guests for attending your event or stopping by at a showcase. Their time was important to you.
  • Proofread. This is the most important step in creating your email. This e-mail will be sent to a large group of people, so make sure you’re not making silly mistakes that could question your reputation.
  • Offer information. If you are not available when people need to reach you or have questions, make sure to provide information about where they can go, or whom they can speak to with their concerns or comments.
  • A good example of a follow-up is shown below.

“Dear Ms./Mr. (Name):

 Thank you for your time at (event name). We hope you found (product/service) to be just as interesting and unique as we do! We look forward to new and exciting things for (product/service), and would love to have you be part of the process.

We would greatly appreciate it if you could provide us with contact information so that we can discuss a little further about (product/service).

Again, thank you for your time, and we look forward to hearing from you!



Originally posted 2014-06-13 13:49:22.