The manager of any team is responsible for overseeing processes. They make sure all employees are doing their jobs properly, ensure satisfaction, monitor sales, and more. However, the “front line” men and women are those in the team behind the manager. These people work more directly with the product and consumer.

So what makes a good team? First, diversity. No good team is every made up of people who are all the same. A good team is able to discover new options, find new strategies, and stay ahead of the curve. This is not possible if all of the team members are thinking the same way. Experience shapes who we are, and every employee should have different experience to bring to the team.

MLeads is a tech app, so let’s focus on tech teams for a minute. Tech teams are responsible for everything from the development of the product, to the marketing and selling of the product. They are also responsible for a lot of “behind the scenes” work that most consumers are unaware of such as coding standards and prototypes.

At the end of the day, it is the team’s responsibility to get what needs to be done, done. It is their responsibility to complete the work that will later be approved by the manager.

Remember to build a team that is intelligent, flexible, motivated, and cooperative.

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Originally posted 2014-05-23 14:21:42.